Thomas Attractor 1

Created in Blender 4.2 using geometry nodes based on the equation for a Thomas Attractor using a repeat loop and the mathematical model for the attractor:

The cycles render in Blender leveraged the compositor, with a mix node bringing in a transparent background and a slight amount of bloom and color correction. The image was saved with the alpha channel in the RGBA PNG format, and the background nebulae which was generated in ChatGPT added in the background then in Photoshop.

Post render processing was done in Photoshop with the use of Flurbos overlays and the camera raw filter. A slight amount of depth was added with a neural filter.

To see other attractor images I’ve created, click here.

To watch a YouTube video on how to make these attractors in Blender Geometry nodes click here.

Lorenz Attractor 2 using Blender 4.2 math and repeat nodes
Thomas Attractor 2

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15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0