Tag / Attractors

Lorenz Attractor 3 created in Blender 4.2 geometry nodes

Continuing on with my experimentation with creating Lorenz Attractor renderings, I created this image. It is done in Blender 4.2 using geometry nodes. As shown before, the formula for a Lorenz attractor is as follows: The image was generated using cycles rendering in Blender with glare added through the compositor. The initial render looked like...CONTINUE READING

Lorenz Attractor 2 using Blender 4.2 math and repeat nodes

Step 1: Blender geometry nodes This image was created in Blender 4.2, and then heavily edited in Photoshop. The image was created using geometry nodes. Within a set of repeat nodes, I used math nodes to generate a pattern reflecting a Lorenz attractor.  The formula for a Lorenz attractor is as follows: The setup in...CONTINUE READING

Lorenz Attractor as made in Blender 4.2 geometry nodes

Created in Blender 4.2 using geometry nodes based on the equation for a Lorenz attractor. Special shout out to MTR Animation for his excellent YouTube tutorial on building attractor models and the use of the new matrix nodes and repeat loop nodes in Blender. This image is heavily customized in Photoshop. I used a combination...CONTINUE READING
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