Category / CG Images

Lorenz Attractor 2 using Blender 4.2 math and repeat nodes

Step 1: Blender geometry nodes This image was created in Blender 4.2, and then heavily edited in Photoshop. The image was created using geometry nodes. Within a set of repeat nodes, I used math nodes to generate a pattern reflecting a Lorenz attractor.  The formula for a Lorenz attractor is as follows: The setup in...CONTINUE READING

Fleeting consciousness

In a swirl of colors, consciousness flickers to life — a momentary self-awareness that emerges from formless thought and feeling. It is a fleeting moment, a delicate balance between clarity and chaos. For a brief, shimmering moment, the self is realized, only to dissolve back into an endless swirl, symbolizing the elusive, transient nature of...CONTINUE READING

Parametric cylinder #3

A complex, parametric cylindrical structure formed by an intricate, geometric lattice pattern using Blender 4.2 geometry nodes. The structure features a warm metallic tone, with a gradual gradient background that transitions from dark to light, emphasizing its depth and curvature. The cylinder combines elements of precision and depth with a serene, almost meditative quality. Technical...CONTINUE READING
15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0